Sunday, November 7, 2010

Two-heel Drive

6 - the number of miles hiked on the Appalachian Trail
5 - the number of Boy Scouts
2 - the number of Boy Scout Leaders
22 - the number of hours they were gone
30 - the temperature that night
0 - the number of tents they used

Have you ever really thought about how blessed we are to live in the area we do.  Our boys had the chance to camp out and hike on the beautiful Appalachian Trail during the most beautiful time of the year.  Some people only dream of being able to do this.  I didn't even think about it until I saw the pictures that came home from the trip. Our troop is truly blessed!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Hope you didn't miss this...

Did you ever wonder what it would be like to be in the middle of a crowd of teenage boys?  I for one can't even imagine what that would be like.  Lucky for me, we have some very brave scout leaders! On September 17th & 18th our herd of boys gathered at the Husband's for a night of fun.  They invited Chambersburg First Ward to join them for dinner and games.  They played "glow stick" tag well into the night and then woke up early the next day.  They planned to float down "The Jig." It happened to be about 60 degrees that day and the water there is always cold anyway.  They did not float down slow moving creek, however, they were not about to let a little cold water keep them away.  They played, splashed and jumped in the water just as if it were a hot summer day. If I had to describe our boys, I would say...CREATIVE, BOLD & DETERMINED!  I certainly feel blessed to know these wonderful boys!

This picture says it all!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Campout at the Husband's

This weekend our troop will be camping out at the Husband's.  Arrival time is set for 5:30 PM (or as soon as you can get there).  Friday evening will be filled with campfire fun and games, glow stick tag, and of course lots of food...Yum-O!  Saturday the boys will be working on rank advancement requirements, as well as tubing down "The Jig."  Plan on being picked up at the Husband's at 3:00 PM on Saturday. You won't want to miss this one.
Make sure you check your Scout Handbook to see what you should bring on a campout - and don't forget to bring your Handbook along!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Campin' at Tuckahoe

During one of the hottest weeks of the summer, our boys were trudging around Camp Tuckahoe.  After settling into their site, not once but twice, the boys were ready to take on the WILD! And it was wild... if you don't know what I am talking about, just ask any one of the scouts about getting sick, switching tents, stabbing themselves, chopping down walking sticks, surviving thunderstorms and 100 degree weather, drinking a mixture of every drink that the mess hall offered, and taking showers(or not).  And YES, there were leaders there the entire time.  This is what we get when we send a bunch of boys off to camp!
But we also get 7 boys that learned to get along, share, and become tolerant of each other.  Summer camp is a time for mothers to let go and not worry about what the boys are showering with (one showered with shampoo all week).  Stinky wet clothes are bound to be shoved in with the clean clothes and the poncho that was surely not used!  Who are you kidding when you send sunscreen along?  And it really is okay if they eat 12 waffles for breakfast.
Here's what you really need to know about summer camp...Our 7 boys earned 40 merit badges!  That's right...40!  That's awesome!  Our Senior Patrol Leader, Zach, was also able to successfully complete a Cope's Course.  This was no easy feat and took great skill and determination. 
Our boys are learning to be responsible leaders.  If you haven't already, you should ask them about summer camp!

What's Going On?

Welcome to the first (hopefully of many) blog posts for our troop.  Our hope is that this site will be used as a tool to help communicate upcoming events as well as remember past events.  If you have any suggestions for us, please see a member of the Scout Committee.  We are in the beginning stages of learning to "blog"!